TW Base

From Galen Healthcare Solutions - Allscripts TouchWorks EHR Wiki
Revision as of 16:00, 20 September 2010 by Kim.Baxter (talk | contribs)
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The Base module of v11 consists of three functions:

  • Task Management - Tasking is a crucial tool within the EHR. It facilitates communication of patient clinical and billing information throughout the organization. This is setup under the Task Admin menu found in the TW Admin workspace.
  There are two types of tasks:  
    **System Generated - Generated based on certain workflows and typically drop off a users task list once the action is performed.
    **Manually Created - Sent by one user to another user or team.  Must be removed manually.    
  • Reporting - Monitoring business performance and aggregation of key clinical data are made possible with the reporting function of the base module.
  Types of reports that are available are adminstrative reports and application reports.  
    **Administrative reports give management reports to monitor proper use of the application and reports that could be used as a tool to monitor HIPPA compliance.  
    **Application reports can be used to collect data related to results, immunications, problems, presecription outputs and more.  

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