Worklist View Editor

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Add 'Worklist' to Work Def Admin

Touchworks does not come configured with an administrative workspace to create & assign Worklist Views. Add the 'Worklist' document/tab to the TWAdmin VTB > Work Def Admin HTB: Go to Admin> Menus- search under Horizontal toolbar- work def admin- menu items click … caption- worklist and save.

Access Worklist View Editor

1. Logout and back in as TWAdmin

'TWAdmin' Workplace(VTB) > 'Work Def Admin' Workspace(HTB) > 'Worklist' Document/tab

2. Click the Worklist View Editor button

Note: In order for a user to see the Worklist View Editor button they must have the the proper security code. The user needs to be assigned to a classification with the security codes: 'Worklist View - Edit' and 'Worklist View Administration'. Assign Security Classifications to Organization Roles

(need to sort out which code does what. Does one code show/hide the editor button and the other show/hide user/entrprise radio buttons within the editor?)


The following screen will display:


Choose to create/modify the views on the Enterprise or User level by selecting the appropriate radio button.

Note: In order for a user to see the 'User' and 'Enterprise' radio buttons they must have the the proper security code. The user needs to be assigned to a classification with the security codes: 'Worklist View - Edit' and 'Worklist View Administration'. Assign Security Classifications to Organization Roles

(need to sort out which code does what. Does one code show/hide the editor button and the other show/hide user/entrprise radio buttons within the editor?)


Inactivate the Supplied Allscripts Worklist Views

Select the Manage Enterprise tab Select each System view and click 'Inactivate' If these are assigned to users they will cause problems if the user attempts to "personalize" their default Worklist view! (make more specific?)


Create Enterprise Worklists Based on Organizational Roles

  • When creating Enterprise views do not use the 'Copy To' button. This will create a copy with the same name and the name will not be editable. The names are the database key and need to be unique to avoid errors.
  • Use the Allscripts Best Practice Guides to create a New Enterprise Worklist for each organizational role:
  • 'Worklist Views.Recommended Starter Set for Providers.doc'
  • 'Worklist Views recommended for Staff.doc'
  • Click New to create a new Worklist View.
  • Give your Worklist View a name less than 30 Characters. NOTE: The name is the database key so it must be unique and cannot be changed once you click 'OK'. (Views cannot be deleted?)
  • Always add a description for the Worklist in the "Desc:" field.


Decide if your Worklist should automatically expand for the user, saving them clicks.

  • Note: There are times when this is not recommended because it will return too many results causing the system to lock up! (give known examples?)


Build the Worklist query by setting any of the 17 filters.

  • Click 'Apply' to add each filter.
  • Click 'OK' before attempting to create or edit another worklist or you will receive an error. This will close out the 'Worklist View Editor'. The editor defaults to 'User' when reopened so be sure to choose Enterprise if creating enterprise views.


Assign Enterprise Worklists and Defaults to Users Based on Role - SSMT

Content Categories:

  • Worklist Views
  • Worklist Views - Users

Assign Worklists to User and Set Default Worklist - Manual

  • Select the 'User' radio button
  • Click on "Manage Personal"
  • Select User (do not use default 'Admin, Base' )
  • Add worklist Views to User
  • Choose a default worklist for the user


Set Preference for Navigation from Task to Worklist

This preference controls where the user is sent when they double click on a patient or click "Go To..." on the Task List tab.


  • TWAdmin VTB > Preferences HTB > Preferences tab
  • Preference: = General Ent/Org/User Settings = Enterprise
  • Set the preference 'WorkspaceViewTasks' to 'Worklist View'

(edit this Allscripts text?: Otherwise, when a provider clicks on a task in the Task List workspace that should navigate to the Worklist Component, it will not go directly to the Worklist Component – the navigation is set to go to the Clinical Desktop – downfall is there can only be ONE Clinical Desktop View associated to the navigation from Tasks to Worklist…)


  • Log-out and back in as a provider.
  • Navigate to the Task List tab, double click a patient or click 'Go To'
  • The system should go directly to the user's default Worklist View in the Clinical Desktop.

File:Worklist in CDT.jpg

If not, check to see that user's Personal view is set to 'Worklist' (not BLANK)

(Need to add screenshot showing how to get to user's 'Personal' settings space pictured below?)

(Screenshot shows personal view set to 'Worklist - Orders' which is one of several work def admin views none of which is 'Worklist'. The Enterprise and Personal preference seem to be setting two different things even though the preference is called the same. 'Go To...' seems to work once both preferences are set but 'next patient' does not work in the 'Worklist - Orders' view. Need more explaination here.


Personalized Worklists

Worklist views for individual users can be edited by selecting the 'Personal' radio button.

Regular users should not be granted the security code required to create/edit an enterprise view. Users can create thier own personal view or select an Enterprise view and use the 'Copy To' button to copy it as their own editable personal view. CopyTo is basically the same as New but it pre-fills in all the settings from the view being copied.