Assign Security Classifications to Organization Roles

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Security Classifications can be used to grant the same security to a group of users such as all users with the same role. Assigning security to roles rather than individual users will make it easier to create and update security settings. The consultant and client should work together to define the roles within the organization taking care not to combine roles. Security classifications can then be created for each role.

Security Gates are at the organizational level and simply control whether a function can be resticted or not.

Security Codes can be assigned to a user or classification and allow users with that classification to pass through the corresponding security gate.

For example if the gate <printchart> is <on>, only users assigned the corresponding security code can <print charts>. If the gate is off than all users can <print charts>.

High Level Process:

  1. Define organization roles
  2. Decide which security gates will be turned on for the organization
  3. Create a security classification for each role
  4. Add appropriate security codes to the classification
  5. Turn on the security gates

Detailed Steps