Chart viewer unassigned items

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Unassigned items in the Chart Viewer

If, while the Chart viewer viewing “All sections by sub-section” you see there are items that are in a section of "unassigned", this means, obliviously, that there are documents or results that are unassigned. (meaning not part of a subset) For example: LETTER may be visible under the “Correspondence” Section.

To fix this: Go to ChartAdmin. Click on the Manage Sections tab. To assign items to their section or sub-section; by checking the desired item(s) and then highlight the desired section/sub-section, click assign. Click save.

If for instance, you have an "Unassigned" document in the chart viewer that is not in the ChartAdmin list of document, then it is likely that the document type is set to "Inactive".

To fix this: Go to document type dictionary. Search for the desired document and make active. Click save. Follow the steps above to assign the document type to the desired section/sub-section. Go back to document type dictionary search again and now make inactive and save again. --Ken.gray 10:28, 17 April 2008 (PDT)