Galen eCalcs - Calculator: Tufts DPP Risk Estimator

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TUFTS 2019.png


This is a calculator designed to accompany a research study driven by Tufts University that is investigating the relative risk reduction of adopting a DPP lifestyle on type 2 diabetes onset.


This calculator was not designed for client-wide utilization and is not recommended to use this calculator unless the organization is part of the study.


Target patients are prediabetic patients aged 25-75.

Calculator Configuration Options

Preference Name Valid Range Description
Publishing Checked / Unchecked When checked the calculator will display for users on the front end.
When unchecked, the calculator WILL NOT display for users on the front end.
Fasting Blood Glucose Warning Text Message displayed to end-user when the fasting blood glucose input value is set by an assumed-fasting blood glucose input value.
Inputs Maximum Days Age Numeric Threshold for the number of days away an input can have been processed from today. Default is 730 days (2 years). Set to 0 or leave blank to allow all inputs to be valid, regardless of when they were taken.
Lab Differential Threshold Numeric Threshold for the number of minutes away a blood glucose can have been collected from a fasting lab.
Orderable Item Override (BLANK)/G-DPP “(BLANK)” indicates that the global configuration options for Orderable Item will be used.
“G-DPP” indicates that the calculator specific value will be used and can display the specific calculator name in the output.
Save Discrete Results True/False When True, saves the questions and results of the calculator discretely when saving the results of the calculator.
Use Blood Glucose Fasting Logic True/False True (default) - non-fasting blood glucose labs will be processed as if they had been recorded as fasting provided that it was taken within the acceptable differential threshold. False - the fasting blood glucose input must be used, and non-fasting value will be ignored.

Calculator Inputs

Input Mapping Type Description
A1C Results Patient’s A1C value
Blood Glucose Results Patient’s blood/plasma glucose value
BMI Vital Signs Patient’s BMI
Current Smoker Problems Patient is a current smoker
Fasting Blood Glucose Results Patient's fasting blood/plasma glucose level
Fasting Other Results Any fasting lab other than a fasting blood/plasma glucose
Former Smoker Problems Patient is a former smoker
HDL Cholesterol Results Patient’s HDL cholesterol value
Height Vital Signs Patient’s height
Hypertension Problems Patient’s hypertension problem status
Non-smoker Problems Patient has never been a smoker
Systolic Blood Pressure Vital Signs Patient’s systolic blood pressure
Triglycerides Results Patient’s triglyceride value
Weight Vital Signs Patient’s weight

Calculator Outputs

Output Mapping Type Description
DPP NNT Result The average number of patients who need to be adopting the DDP lifestyle treatment to prevent one additional case of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 3 years
DPP Risk Result Risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 3 years with the
Interpretation Result Interpretation of calculator’s results
Metformin NNT Result The average number of patients who need to be treated with Metformin to prevent one additional case of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 3 years
Metformin Risk Result The risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 3 years with Metformin treatment
Usual Care Risk Result Risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 3 years with the usual care treatment