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ECalcs - Anticoag Input.jpg


The Anticoagulation Tracking calculator is designed to help clinicians begin anticoagulant therapy for patients by estimating the necessary dosage. The tool can also be used to track a patient's therapy over an extended period of time. Due to its robust design, Anticoagulation Tracking has a separate tab in the HTB within TouchWorks.

Data Fields

The following table explain each data field and it's functionality.

Fields that are carried forward will contain the same value from the last visit.

Fields that are required will be bright yellow with a red asterisk next to them indicating that they must be filled out to commit the information.

Name of Field Functionality Carry Forward? Required Field?
INR A free text field to document INR value Yes Yes
INR Date A date field No Yes
Goal INR INR Value ranges that are considered healthy for the patient Yes Yes
INR Relative to Range Where the patient's INR falls in comparison to their Goal INR No Yes
Indication of Therapy Why the patient is receiving therapy Yes No
Indication Comments Free text field for comments regarding therapy. Limit - 250 characters Yes No
INR Complications Any complications the patient experienced Yes? no?
Treatment Duration The length of therapy Yes Yes
Current Totally Weekly Dose The patient's current dosage Yes Yes
Anticoagulant Name The name/type of anticoagulant Yes No
Tablet Strength Multiple dosage strengths can be selected Yes No
Discontinue Notes Free text field for comments regarding discontinuation. Limit - 250 characters No No
Change Dose A Yes/No field indicating if change in dosage is necessary No Yes
Recommended New Weekly Dose When "Change Dose" is "yes" then calculator will calculate the patient's new weekly dosage No No
Next INR Date The patient's recommended next visit date No Yes
Non-Compliance Risk Patient's level of disobedience No Yes
Bridging Indication and Comments A check box indicating Bridging occurred, when checked, the comments field will be available for note taking. Limit - 250 characters Yes No
Comments Free text field for any additional comments Yes No
Patient Instructions Additional instructions for the patients, will be pulled into patient print out Yes No

Calculator Outputs

The Output table is a summarized version of the information entered. Towards the bottom of the output table, there are three buttons:

  • Show Summary: This button can be selected at any point during data entry to view the summary of information in the output table.
  • Commit: By selecting this, the information will be saved to the patient's chart and added to the flow sheet.
  • Commit and Print: This button will save the information to the patient's chart and prompt the user to print out a Patient Instructions print out.

Anticoagulation Patient Instructions - Print Out

The print out is an instructive form the patient can use as a reference between visits. The print out contains the following fields:

  • Date of INR Test: The date recorded in the calculator as the date of their current test
  • Your INR Results: The patient’s current INR value
  • Your Goal INR Range: The INR range they should fall into
  • Total Dosage per Day: The amount of milligrams per day the patient should be taking.
  • Patient Instructions: Any additional instructions given to the patient
  • Next Lab Visit for INR: The date of their next visit.

