Multi-org Setup - TouchWorks v10

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This brief article will cover the basics of setting up a multi-org environment and adding test patients to the new orgs. The target audience of this article are those familiar with the technical setup of TouchWorks systems and organizations.

In the examples provided, a complex multi-org environment is being setup. This is a proof of concept being setup.

Org Overview

1) Create the new organization(s). You may use SA, or SQL -- execute SetOrganization2. See the attached script, 001 - Add IPA Orgs.sql, for an example. Lines 1 - 311 add the organizations.

2) Create the Reg_System_Map entries. The RegSystem will be a mnemonic and a system identifier with a carat separating the two. For example, "IPA1^OTHER". RegSystems should be the following: IDX/GE FlowCast - IDXM, IDX/GE GroupCast - GPMS, anything else - OTHER. See 001 - Add IPA Orgs.sql, lines 314-319.

3) Now add the sharing, if the org(s) will be sharing with any other orgs. Sharing needs to be setup reciprocally -- If you set Org1 to share with Org2, make sure to create an entry for Org2 to share with Org1. This is setup in PASS_System_Sharing. The two columns will be populated by the RegSystem mnemonic that you used - e.g. IPA1. See 001 - Add IPA Orgs.sql, lines 321-410 for an example.

4) Here we go into the IDX Web Framework database for some setup of the systems associated with the new orgs. Each org will have its own System. These can be created in the Admin section on the web under Systems. In this example, I copied one of existing systems out to the new systems that I was creating. For systems, we need to make sure we have the System (dbo.System), its preferences (dbo.SystemPreference), the Applications (dbo.SystemApplication) and the Products (dbo.SystemProduct). See 002 - Add new FW systems.sql.

5) Next we'll have to grant access to those systems to the applicable users. We'll have to create Connections (dbo.UserSystemApplication) to the new Systems, then we'll setup the Workplaces for those users in the new systems (dbo.UserSystem). See 003 - Add users to new FW systems.sql for an example.

6) We'll go back into the Works database and make sure the users we added to the new systems have some level of access - Security Classifications for those orgs. In this example, I copied the Security Classifications they have in an existing org to the new orgs. See 003 - Add users to new FW systems.sql, lines 57-65.

7) The last required step - we need to make sure there is at least one site for each org. Create at least one site and you're done. See 004 - Add default site for each org.sql for an example.

Optional - Add patients to the orgs

If you're setting things up in a test environment and interfaces for each of the orgs aren't setup, you might want to add some existing patients to the new orgs. This requires that you add an entry in Patient_Iorg for the new org(s) and an entry in Patient_List_Entry for the "Unrestricted Patients" Patient List for that Org. An example can be found in 005 - Add Test Patients to orgs.sql.