SSMT: OID - Orderable Item Dictionary

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This is an article describing the SSMT spreadsheet for the OID - Orderable Item Dictionary.


The OID columns and descriptions for TW 11.0.1 are as folows:

  • OrderCode - This is the code or unique identifier that the Lab Vendor specifies in their compendium. When entering this value into the spreadsheet it is advisable to use a preffix or suffix that will identify it as your Lab vendors code specifically. For example, if LabCorp provides a Code of 005009 for a CBC, you should add this in the spreadsheet as L005009 or 005009L. This ensures uniqness and also helps identify the source easily. When you do this, you must let your Interface representitve know that the code needs to be stripped on outbound interface messages and inserted for inbound result or order messages.
  • OrderName - This is the name of the test provided from the vendors compendium. This is only the name that appears in TouchWorks if a Display Name is not provided for the entry in this spreadsheet (coming up in a bit)
  • OrderMenmonic - This used to be displayed in the TouchWorks application, but at this point it does not appear to display anywhere. In this case it is best to make it the same as the order code, but some people may want to make it a shorter version of the name.
  • IsInactiveFlag - This indicates whether the test is active or not. If set to 'Y' it is considered inactive, so in most cases you'll want this set to 'N' if you're loading new entries.
  • Display Name - This allows you to specify a common display name for the Order instead of using the vendors name. This only needs to be supplied if you want to have a different name than the Order Name.
  • OCDCode - This is the code from the Order Concept Dictionary that the entry is tied to. For the intial load, this will be a 0, but once you go through the later step of syncronizing Orders to the OCD, this would be populated with that corresponding code and you would see that if you extract the data.
  • IsClassificationOnlyFLAG - This is only set to 'Y' for entries that are defined as a Parent Class or Category. These entries are loaded so you can group tests together such as Chemistry, Toxicology, or Pathology. Allscripts delivers the system with some general classifications, but you are free to add others. Besides organizing the dictionary, this also can help determine where lab items will show in the ChartViewer when using the Section by Sub-Section view. In the Manage Sections portion of TWAdmin, you can assign Orders by class to a particular folder. For the most part you would want to load these entries with this column set to 'N'.
  • ComplexOrderIndicator - For lab entries, this is typically going to be set to 'N'. If an Orderable is set to 'Y' it means that it is a complex order. A complex order is only used for Orders that contain multiple Orderables and is typically only used for itmes such as Vital Sign Views.
  • OrderableSource - This column determines the methods that an order can be created from. The possible values are:
    *  User Only - This means that only a user can request the order
    *  Interface Only -  This means that the order can only be requested from an interface transaction
    *  User or Interface - This means that an Order can be requested by an interface transaction or a user
    *  Recorded Only - This means that an Order can be documented only and would not be printed or sent to the interface.

In most cases the OderableSource should be set to User or Interface unless you have a reason for the other options. Interfaced messages are primarily for Order Inbound interfaces from Lab Vendors. This would occur if the Lab changed the test that the physician ordered or if it's a reflex test and more orders were added to the original request.

  • OIDMode - There are three possible entries for this column. They are:
    *  Active - This means the OID entry is active and available to users
    *  Draft - This means that the OID entry is editable in the dictionary, but users cannot see the entry.  
       This would be used if you were in the process of completing entries and didn't want them viewable.
    *  No Longer Used - This essentially means it's inactive. 

In most cases you would want to load these items as Active unless you are loading them into production and don't want them available for the users yet.

  • ItemType - This column should be set to "RESULTS" for this spreadsheet.
  • ParentClass - This column should be set to the appropriate category for the particular test. For example a CBC would be filed under Hematology or a Lipid Panel would be under that classification of Chemistry. Allscripts provides some entires for this, but others can be added if necessary. You can determine the available entries by extracting the OID dictionary from SSMT and looking at all entries where the IsClassificationOnlyFLAG is 'Y'
  • OrderType - The Order Type is another level of groupings that organizes the data by the type or Order. These are Allscripts entries that cannot be modified. The possible entries are:
    *  Diagnostic Orders
    *  Imaging
    *  Supply
    *  Referral Orders
    *  Follow-Up Orders
    *  Lab
    *  Other
    *  Findings
    *  Patient Instructions
    *  Patient Precautions

Selecting the Order Type determines the type of task that will be generated when an order is created that requires additional information. For example if a Order is defined as a "Lab" Order Type, it will create a task type of "Order Info-Lab". This is used for various workflow situations to notify users that an action is required. for example, you may create an Order named "Follow-Up visit 2 Weeks" and require that a appointment date is entered to complete the order. This Order would be set to a type of "Follow-Up Orders". When the physician selects the order, it'll be saved, but an "Order Info-F/up" task would be created. That task would be seen by the checkout peson and as the patient leaves they would schedule an appointment and complete the additional information compnenet of that order to complete the order.

When loading items for a Lab Vendor, this should always be set to LAB.

  • QoModPicklist - Some Orders may require information that have structured answers such as "yes" or "no". When that is the case, it is more efficient to create and utilize a picklist which only allows the user to select an option from the available entries in the drop down. This column is asking if a picklist is necessary for the Orderable item. If you would like to use one, enter the entryname of the picklist here.
  • QOModPicklistDefault - If you use a picklist, you can set a default answer. The answer must be an available entry in the picklist. If you want to set a default, enter the name of the entry in this column.
  • QOModPicklistReq - This signifies if an answer is required for a picklist. If set to 'Y' the physican must select an answer before the Order is completed.
  • QoModPicklist2 - same as above, just gives you the chance to have more than one picklist
  • QOModPicklist2Default - Same as above, just for the second picklist
  • QOModPicklist2Req - same as above, but for the second picklist
  • QOModPicklist3 - If you don't know, please call someone for help.
  • QOModPicklist3Default - If you still don't know, I'll have Tommy here hit you over the head with a tack hammer.
  • QOModPicklist3Req - Not telling
  • Linked Resultable Items Exist - This is for reference only. Set this to 'Y' for any Order that has results tied to it such as a lab order.
  • OrderInstructions - This is a free text field that you can use to provide information to the provider as they order the test. For example you can enter special information from the lab such as "Please draw blood from arm for this test"
  • PatientInstuctionsText - This is a free text field for patient information. This can be used for things such as "Patient can only consume water for 8 hours prior to test". This will print on the Order Requisition if that is handed to the patient.
  • CPT4Code - Enter the CPT4 code that is associated to the Order. Multiple CPT4 codes can be entered by entering them in a pipe ("|") delimited field. This is used to help syncronize Orders to the OCD dictionary and is also used for Medical Necessity Checking.
  • CPT4Text - This allows you to add the description of the CPT4 code, but it's rarely entered since it is nothing more than informational.
  • When to Charge - This allows you to select when the order should create a charge. The available options are:
    *  Never - The order will never charge for the test.  This is used when the laboratory bills the patient 
    and you are not collecting any fees for the service other than normal office charges
    *  On Order - This will create a charge as soon as the order is created.  This is typically illegal for a lab 
    result since you are not supposed to charge until the results are received and the test have actually been 
    performed.  In some cases the patient may never go to the lab or the tests results may never get returned. 
    *  Upon Completion  - this will create a charge as soon as the order has been completed. The completion 
    behavior is different based on the AutoCompleteFLAG
    *  On Collection - This is used when your organization charges for blood draws or specimen collection.
  • ChargeCode List - Enter the CPT4 code that is associated to the Order. This will not make it chargeable by default. Multiple CPT4 codes can be entered by entering them in a pipe ("|") delimited field.
  • AdminInitialChargeCode - Not Sure, believe it may be for the On Collection action
  • AdminAdditionalChargeCode - Same as above, may also be for procedure charges or something
  • GenderToExclude - This allows you to hide an orderable item is if is not applicable to a specific gender. If it is a test not applicable to a male, enter "male" in this column. If it's not for a female, type "Female"
  • DefaultPriority - This signifies the default level of priority for the orderable test. This determines the overdue timeframes, which are set in a few columns. Possible values are:
    *  ASAP
    *  Pre-Op
    *  Routine
    *  Stat
    *  Today
  • NeedsInfoDEList - This allows you to define a reason to keep an order in a needs info status. The entry should be the Dictionary ID (DE) value of the reason selected. For example, this can be used to state that an order is in a needs information until an authorization is obtained. The Worklist also allows you to create views based on this status. You can add multiple entries by putting them into a pipe delimited format.
  • HoldForReasonList - This is similiar to the NeedsInfoDEList except that the order will be on hold. This can also be used as a filter in the worklist page and can contain multiple entries. This should have the Dictionary ID of the entry.
  • OrderingAuthority - This should be set to a value between 0-10. in order for a user to order the test, they must be assigned a higher level than the Oredring Authority. Since the v11 clinical toolbar doesn't allow you to hide buttons, we may consider using this to prevent users from ordering before we have rolled the module out at their site.
  • DuplicateCheckingInterval - This is used along with the next column "DuplicateCheckingIntervalUnits" to determine the amount of time the system will look into the past for a duplicate order. This is where you enter the numeric value.
  • DuplicateCheckingIntervalUnits - This is the unit protion of the duplicate checking. The possible options are:
    *  Second
    *  Minute
    *  Hour
    *  Day
    *  Week
    *  Month
    *  Year