SSMT: OrderResults-v11

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The 'OrderResults-v11' content category allows you to define your orderable and resultable items and establish the appropriate relationship between them. Some orderable items such as labs may have one or more resultable items associated with them and some orderable items such as radiology typically have only one resultable item associated with them. The 'OrderResults-v11' content category allows you to set some basic context and populate some main fields associated with both orderable and resultable items. It is a key category that will help create the foundation for your Orderable Item dictionary and is typically derived from a compendium extract provided by your LIS, RIS, 3rd party lab vendor, or any diagnostic system that will be sending results or receiving orders from EHR.

Stored Procedures used:

  • Extracting data: ImpGetOrderANDResult
  • Loading data: ImpSetOrderAndResults

Column Listing and Description

  • Order Code - this is the unique identifier for the orderable item and is limited to 10 characters (alpha-numeric). The order code is typically the primary identifier used for inbound result interface matching and outbound order matching so be sure to honor the codes supplied to you by our LIS, RIS, or other 3rd party lab vendor. If the test is being built as an In Office test or not referenced in any interface then you may define your own naming convention for this field.
    Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Qo_Classification_DE.EntryCode
    Data Type:  VarChar(10)
    Possible Values:  Free Text
  • Order Name - this is the name of the orderable item and if no display name is defined in the OID - Orderable Item Dictionary then this will also function as the name displayed in the EHR.
   Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Qo_Classification_DE.EntryName
   Data Type:  VarChar(255)
   Possible Values:  Free Text
  • Order Mnemonic - this is also limited to 10 characters (alpha-numeric) and some external lab vendors actually define a short and meaningful alpha description for it. If ever given only a code for an orderable item it is best practice to have the mnemonic value mirror the entry code value.
   Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Qo_Classification_DE.EntryMnemonic
   Data Type:  VarChar(10)
   Possible Values:  Free Text
  • OrderingAuthority
  • OIDMode - this column is intended to define the current state of the orderable item. Valid values for this field are:
   *  Active - This means the OID entry is active and available to users
   *  Draft - This means that the OID entry is editable in the dictionary, but users cannot see the entry.  
      This would be used if you were in the process of completing entries and didn't want them viewable.
   *  No Longer Used - This essentially means it's inactive. 
  • OrderType
   *  Diagnostic Orders
   *  Imaging
   *  Supply
   *  Referral Orders
   *  Follow-Up Orders
   *  Lab
   *  Other
   *  Findings
   *  Patient Instructions
   *  Patient Precautions
  • Parent Order Classification - this field will determine where in the Orderable Item Dictionary's hierarchy the particular orderable item will be filed. This might be CT if the test is a Diagnostic Image or may be Microbiology is the test is a culture. One important consideration is that if you would like to store the orderable item in a classification or category that is not delivered with the system then it must exist prior to loading. This column will match on the name of the classification.
  • ItemType
  • OrderableSource - this column will allow you to set the method by which the orderable item can be created or ordered. Valid values for this column are:
   *  User Only - This means that only a user can request the order
   *  Interface Only -  This means that the order can only be requested from an interface transaction
   *  User or Interface - This means that an Order can be requested by an interface transaction or a user
   *  Recorded Only - This means that an Order can be documented only and would not be printed or sent to the interface.
  • DefReqPerfLocation - this field can be used to set a Default Requested Performing Location for the orderable item. Prior to populating this column make sure that the proper pick lists and/or entries have been built in the Requested Performing Location dictionary. This field will attempt to match on the name of the Requested Performing Location.
  • HCPCSCode - this field can be used to file a HCPCS code that may be associated with the orderable item.
  • CPT4Code - this field can be used to file a CPT4 code that may be associated with the orderable item. In this field only one value can be entered.
  • ChargeCodeList - this field will allow you associate multiple CPT4 codes with the orderable item. Multiple charge code entries must use a pipe "|" as a delimiter.
  • When To Charge
   *  Never - The order will never charge for the test.  This is used when the laboratory bills the patient 
   and you are not collecting any fees for the service other than normal office charges
   *  On Order - This will create a charge as soon as the order is created.  This is typically illegal for a lab 
   result since you are not supposed to charge until the results are received and the test have actually been 
   performed.  In some cases the patient may never go to the lab or the tests results may never get returned. 
   *  Upon Completion  - this will create a charge as soon as the order has been completed. The completion 
   behavior is different based on the AutoCompleteFLAG
   *  On Collection - This is used when your organization charges for blood draws or specimen collection.
  • Comm Method Picklist
  • CommunicationMethod
  • Result Mnemonic - this is also limited to 10 characters (alpha-numeric). If ever given only a code for an resultable item it is best practice to have the mnemonic value mirror the entry code value.
   Storage Location:  Works.dbo.QO_DE.EntryMnemonic
   Data Type:  VarChar(10)
   Possible Values:  Free Text
  • Result Code - this is the unique identifier for the resultable item and is limited to 10 characters (alpha-numeric). The result code is typically the primary identifier used for inbound result interface matching so be sure to honor the codes supplied to you by our LIS, RIS, or other 3rd party lab vendor. If the test is being built as an In Office resultable item test or will not referenced in any interface then you may define your own naming convention for this field.
   Storage Location:  Works.dbo.QO_DE.EntryCode
   Data Type:  VarChar(10)
   Possible Values:  Free Text
  • Result Name - this is the description for the resultable item as it will exist in the RID - Resultable Item Dictionary. If there is a separate display name desired or provided for the resultable item it may be specified in either the RID dictionary using the Display Name field.
   Storage Location:  Works.dbo.QO_DE.EntryName
   Data Type:  VarChar(255)
   Possible Values:  Free Text
  • LOINCCode
  • Answer Type
  • SetOrder - this is the display order of the resultable item(s) as they will show in the EHR. For example if a Lipid Profile contains 6 resultable items then you would want to define the set order as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the spreadsheet. This will allow you to assign a display order for each resultable item. If you do not specify a display order then the default value is left as 0 and the display order will be assigned based on the order the items exist in the spreadsheet prior to loading (top to bottom).
  • ResultableSource
  • InterfaceOnlyFlag

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