SSMT: Users / Providers

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The User / Provider spreadsheet is used with the SSMT tool to load and manager user accounts in the TouchWorks application. This is based on version 11.0.1.

Column Listing and description

  • Title - It allows you to store the persons title. This is optional, but can hold titles such as Dr., Mrs., Mr.
    Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Person_Other.TitleName 
    Data Type:  VarChar(20)
    Possible Values:  Free Text
  • User_Provider - This allows you to specify the type of user you want to create. User means that you are creating a standard user account. User/Provider means that you are creating a User that is also a provider. This is typically defined as any user that is scheduable or billable. Provider allows you to establish a provider account that will not need to log into the system. This is typically a non-human resouce such as a Lab Schedule.
    Possible Values - User, User/Provider, Provider
  • LastName - This is where you would specify the provider or users last name.
    Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Person.LastName, IDXwf.dbo.Users.Name (combined with firstname and middle)
    Data Type:  VarChar(35)
    Possible Values:  Free Text
  • FirstName - This is where you would specify the provider or users first name.
    Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Person.FirstName, IDXwf.dbo.Users.Name (combined with lastname and middle)
    Data Type:  VarChar(18)
    Possible Values:  Free Text
  • Middle - This is where you would specify the provider or users middle name or initial.
    Storage Location:  Works.dbo.Person.MiddleName, IDXwf.dbo.Users.Name (combined with lastname and firstname)
    Data Type:  VarChar(18)
    Possible Values:  Free Text

OrgName Email User_Inactive Provider_Inactive Username Password DefaultSiteName Profession EmployeeNumber OwnerShipAuthority Force_PW_Change PHB System Reg_System Framework_DB Finalization Authority Electronic_Workflow Provider_Code Provider_Mnemonic CME_Pilot_Number VOrdering_Authority Credentials PrimSpecialty SecSpecialty DEA_Number DEA_Exp_Date Billing_Provider Scheduling_Provider Secure_Schedule PCP DontGenerate_SendChargeTasks Show_Optional_Clinical_Msgs DEA_II DEA_III DEA_IV DEA_V RX_Supervision StateLicense1 LicenseNumber1 LicExpDate1 StateLicense2 LicenseNumber2 LicExpDate2 StateLicense3 LicenseNumber3 LicExpDate3 Outbound_Dictate_ID RecordingFormat Transcribe Difficulty AlternateLicense UPIN Def CC Method NPI WorkPlace Def Clinical Desktop View IDXMLogin IDXMPassword Practice_Department PaIPreferredCommMethod LinkWithExistingProvider