Keeping the Test and Live Environments in Sync

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Revision as of 13:35, 17 September 2008 by Michael.Ficociello (talk | contribs)
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Any changes to these items in live after a copy of live has been made and put into your test environment need to be tracked or mirrored in test. As the configuration of the new V11 system is completed there are attributes assigned to these items (ex. menus, picklists, clinical desktop views and other views are assigned to users). If the chanages to these items are not tracked or mirrored, the attributes will not be assigned and will be missing after go-live. Our recommendation is that when you change any of the following items in your live environment that you do the same in your test environment. This prevents having additional information to load and configure on Go-Live weekend.

  • Any New Users
  • Any changes to System or TWAdmin Preferences in V10
  • Any changes to the OID
  • Any Changes to the RID